Love Conscious Shopping
Courses, Conversations, One on One Sessions and more...
Below you will find:
One on One sessions with Dr. Teri
Love Conscious Conversations
Love Conscious Courses (coming soon!)
Meditation Recordings (coming soon!)
Love Conscious Conversations
Dr Teri's new book: Flip Your Switch
Humanity is at a fundamental fork in the road. The consciousness you choose to embody will determine the nature of the outcomes in your life. The consciousness we choose to collectively embody will determine the future of our planet.
“When you open Flip Your Switch, you’re not just reading. You embark on a remark- able journey. Early on, Dr. Teri extols the value of being a whole person and prom- ises that life itself can mean something extraordinary. You visit inside yourself and acquire new lenses to see the world of possibilities. Hang on tight. It will prove to be the trip of your lifetime.”
—Peter Georgescu, Chairman Emeritus of Young & Rubicam, Author of The Constant Choice and Capitalists Arise
Buy 'Flip Your Switch' on Amazon now!Cultivating Joy Course
Cultivating Joy is a series of year long Conscious Conversations guided by Dr Teri Baydar.
Joy is not the result of getting what you want. Joy is not entangled with desire, joy is instead about being in a state of connectedness, gratitude, and serenity. For this course, we define joy as, “the experience of becoming more truly ourselves, associated with an intense feeling of deep spiritual connection, bliss, appreciation, and gratitude.
What you'll get:
12 Conscious Conversations with Dr Teri
Ease in tapping into Joy everyday
Learn about the joy of self care, letting go, doing good and so much more
Each 'Conscious Conversation' is held for 90 minutes monthly. We will meet on the Zoom media platform.
The focus is on cultivating joy in your daily life. We are so excited to be able to offer this course to you!
Purchase Cultivating Joy hereFierce Female Finding Voice
FFFV is a series of year long Conscious Conversations guided by Dr Teri Baydar.
What you'll get:
12 Conscious Conversations with Dr Teri
Create personal transformation over time
Shift your mind, your heart, and your behavior
Each 'Conscious Conversation' is held for 90 minutes monthly. We will meet on the Zoom media platform.
We are thrilled to be able to offer this course to you!
~ Coming Soon! ~